Osher Premier Class: "Cultivating Connections - Bridging the Gaps that Divide"
1:00 PM13:00

Osher Premier Class: "Cultivating Connections - Bridging the Gaps that Divide"

  • UCSD, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We all long for connection, and yet it can be so difficult to form satisfying relationships. How do we bridge the chasms that separate us from those we love? How do we relate to others across cultural, political, and generational divides? This three-part series will guide us through the complexities of human relationships and show us how to cultivate meaningful connections.

Session 3: Learning the Art of Communication

We want to feel seen, known, and valued in our relationships. Communication is the key, and yet effective communication is incredibly challenging. How can we express ourselves in healthy ways? What is the difference between hearing and listening? How do we set boundaries that are helpful and not hurtful? What are some common listening traps? This lecture will offer some insights and simple skills that will guide us in cultivating the kind of connections that enrich and energize our lives.  

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Osher Premier Class: "Cultivating Connections: Bridging the Gaps that Divide"
1:00 PM13:00

Osher Premier Class: "Cultivating Connections: Bridging the Gaps that Divide"

  • UCSD, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We all long for connection, and yet it can be so difficult to form satisfying relationships. How do we bridge the chasms that separate us from those we love? How do we relate to others across cultural, political, and generational divides? This three-part series will guide us through the complexities of human relationships and show us how to cultivate meaningful connections.

Session 2: Understanding and Responding to Relational Drama

How do we move from Reactors to Responders in our relationships? This lecture will explain the Drama Triangle and the Anxious Brain and discuss how to apply the information in practical ways. We will learn to recognize and understand the roles of Persecutor, Victim, and Rescuer in our relational dynamics and discuss how to move toward Collaborator, Victor, and Helper to better manage and even improve our most difficult relationships.  

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Osher Premier Class: "Cultivating Connections - Bridging the Gaps that Divide"
1:00 PM13:00

Osher Premier Class: "Cultivating Connections - Bridging the Gaps that Divide"

  • UCSD, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We all long for connection, and yet it can be so difficult to form satisfying relationships. How do we bridge the chasms that separate us from those we love? How do we relate to others across cultural, political, and generational divides? This three-part series will guide us through the complexities of human relationships and show us how to cultivate meaningful connections.

Session 1: Navigating the Ages and Stages of Life

How do we cultivate unique opportunities for growth and connection in each stage of life? Erik Erikson’s (1902-1994) biopsychosocial theory of lifespan development provides an insightful framework for understanding and navigating the various seasons and transitions of life. This lecture will discuss the stages of Erikson’s theory of identity development and provide practical applications that enhance our ability to grow and thrive through the various stages and changes of our lives.

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One-Day Workshop: Caught in the Middle-Building Connections and Conversations with Kids and Parents
9:00 AM09:00

One-Day Workshop: Caught in the Middle-Building Connections and Conversations with Kids and Parents

Dr. Jodi Tompkins will talk about connecting with the different ages and stages people go through, and share communication tools to build healthy relationships. Workshop is hosted by La Jolla Presbyterian Church. Tickets are $20 and include lunch and can be purchased HERE.

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How to Build Resilience in ourselves and our children.
9:00 AM09:00

How to Build Resilience in ourselves and our children.

This presentation explores the impact of various parenting styles on building resilience in children and defines six core competencies of resilience. Dr. Tompkins offers relevant practical applications and conversation starters which provide insights and growth opportunities for families of all ages.

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