The Identity Process™ Coach Agreement 

Please read the following agreement between You (as previously signed) and Jodi Tompkins, PsyD, dba Living Well, dba The Identity Process™.  

  • You agree to abide by Principle A: Beneficence and Nonmaleficence of the American Psychology Association Ethics Code which states that you will “strive to benefit those with whom [you] work and take care to do no harm.” 

  • All Identity Coach Resources referenced below can be accessed through the Identity Coach portal on the Living Well website with the following link and password. 

    •    password: identitycoach 

  • You agree to purchase, or have your client purchase, the Identity Process™ workbook through Living Well.  

    • You understand that the Identity Process™ workbook is copyrighted material and cannot be copied or reproduced without permission or used in a manner that does not comply with the training program. 

    • If your client is going to purchase the book, the cost is $40, and they can order it on the Living Well website under the Identity Coaching tab. 

    • If you purchase the book, you receive a discounted rate of $35 each, five for $150, or ten for $250, and they can be ordered through the ID Coach Resources page on the website. 

  • You agree to register the demographic information of each client through the ID Coach Resources when you start with a new coaching client.   

  • You agree to use the Identity Process™ program in the manner in which you have been trained. 

    • You understand that you are free to use the Identity Process™ with individuals, couples, groups, retreats, workshops, etc., as you deem appropriate. 

    • You understand that you are free to charge, or not charge, your clients in whatever way you deem appropriate.  

  • You understand that you have received certification as an Identity Process™ coach with the Identity Process™ curriculum and not as any other generalized life coach or therapist.  

    • You understand that you are free to develop a website or promotional materials at your discretion, but you agree to use the Identity Process™ when referring to your certification as an identity coach. 

    • You understand that you may be added to the Living Well website as a certified Identity Process™ coach, upon request.  

  • You understand that supervision/consultation groups are available through ID Coach Resources, and you are encouraged to access them as needed to ensure the quality of the program.  

    • You agree that you will attend at least one session of individual supervision or consultation groups free of charge as provided for in the Training Workshop fee. 

    • You understand that you may register for additional individual supervision through the ID Coach Resources at a charge of $100 per 50-minute session, $50 per 30-minute session, or $30 per 15-minute session. 

    • Consultation groups (50 minutes) may be scheduled periodically by Living Well for ongoing training, at a fee of $50 per group session.  

  • You agree to inform clients who have completed the Identity Process™ that they are eligible to attend an Identity Process™ Training Workshop. 

    • All clients who are interested in training to be an Identity Process™ coach may only be certified by going through an Identity Process™ Training Workshop with Living Well. 

  • You understand that the Identity Process™ includes Part I and Part II, each ten sessions long. 

    • It may take longer than ten sessions to get through each part, depending on the client.  

    • Part I may be completed as a stand-alone program, but Part II cannot be done without first completing Part I.  

    • You must complete Part II yourself and then attend the Identity Process™ Part II Training Workshop if you would like to be certified as an Identity Coach for Part II. 

  • You agree that if at any time you have concerns that a client may need a higher level of care, you will refer them to Living Well or another licensed therapist/psychologist. 

  • You agree to include an Informed Consent agreement in your initial coaching session and abide by all confidentiality and privacy requirements. 

    • You may access an Informed Consent from the Identity Coach Resource page for your use.  

By signing this document, you have acknowledged that you have read and agree to all of the conditions and expectations as stated above in the Identity Process™ Coaching Agreement.